The League of Sharks

The League of Sharks - David Logan

This was a really fun, if slightly frustrating read. The frustration came from the fact that the end is a massive cliffhanger and I don't have the second book! The whole story drives to a certain point and just when you think questions are finally going to be answered....nothing..."To be continued..." The more YA I read the more I see this happening, and I totally understand why, I'm just never going to be a big fan of it as a technique. 


Aside from the ending though, this was a brilliant read. It's an incredibly well-written tale with none of the 'dumbing down' of vocabulary or concept that you so often see within the genre. The narrative flows beautifully, it's an exciting, fantastically imaginative adventure story that gets increasingly hard to put down. 


I enjoyed the puzzle aspect, both the boxes and the plot itself, I thought they tied in really nicely together. It was refreshing to read a YA novel where intelligence, practicality and bravery were the important factors, and where the search for truth was the only agenda. This is exactly the type of novel I would LOVE to see my son reading. Logan is a fresh voice in a genre that so often focuses on the shallow, the frivolous and the mundane. 


I'll be all over the next in the series, once it's released.